Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Worst Blog Ever

If there was an award for the worst blog ever, I'd probably win. Not a single update last week? That's shameful. I extend a really heartfelt apology to my three, somewhat loyal readers!

While I haven't been writing much over the last several days, I have been running! Since you last heard from me, I've logged two long runs and three shorter ones for a total of 22 miles! In only two short weeks, I can already see my fitness level improving. When I wrapped up my most recent long run of 7 miles on Christmas Eve, I felt great. I was lip syncing along with my new iPod until the very end. My breathing was under control, my legs didn't feel tired and I didn't look like I was about to pass out. Success!

I finished the 7 miles in just over an hour and my average pace was an 8:56 minute mile (mm). I started out much slower at around a 10:00mm, but ran negative splits the entire time. That's my game plan for race day as it stands right now, so I'm trying to practice as much as I can. I've also started to play around with fueling as I run. My distances haven't been long enough to test any GU's yet, but I've been sipping water and Gatorade every couple of miles or so to get my body used to that. It's amazing the impact that staying hydrated can have on you and your ability to keep trucking along. Even a little liquid goes a long way.

As the training days roll on, I find myself looking forward to the challenging runs I have ahead. So many blogs I read say that you'll never regret a work out and I'm relating to that now more than ever. I feel SO accomplished when I have another few miles under my belt. I can only imagine how great I'll feel in March when I tackle the daunting 20 mile run or on Marathon Monday when I cross that finish line. The endrophines will be flowing for sure!

While I don't have any running pictures to share with you, I'll leave you with the annual picture of my cousins, their spouses and their children that we take each year on Christmas Eve. And for those of you that are just dying for photographs of my training adventures -- don't worry. Santa listened and got me a new digital camera, so there will plenty of that to come!

I have so many cheerleaders!
 I PROMISE to check in again sooner rather than later and in the meantime, I hope you all had a happy holiday with your family and friends!

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